Jan 14
Health & Wellness Events List

What is a Health & wellness event? Would you like to live a healthy life? While this is something most people would like to do, it is also quite hard to achieve. Healthy lifestyle requires a lot of exercise, and it can be a bit boring to do it all by oneself. But with an […]

Dec 30
Dancers List Around The world

What is a Dancer? We say that dance is a motion language. And as someone who speaks such language, a dancer would express certain emotions , stories and ideas through dances. There are many kinds of dances, from the traditional and elegant classical ballet, to modern dances from Michael Jackson, different dances can give people […]

Dec 27
High Tech Events List Around The World

What is a High tech event? Are you a great fan of technology? If you are, then you definitely remember the passion you had, while listening to an Apple press conference. For a tech lover, high tech events like this are always a great way to know more about the technological development. It’s also a […]

Dec 26
Authors & Writers List Around The World

What is an Author and writer? Are you someone who loves reading books? Well in this case, you are definitely familiar with quite many authors and writers. And perhaps you even dream of becoming one, so that you could share your thoughts with other people. A lot of writers have already achieved great successes nowadays, […]

Dec 24
Cinema & Film Events List Around the World

What is a Cinema & film event? Are you a big fan of movies? If that´s the case, you will most certainly enjoy a movie night, or a movie festival. Ever since the invention of films, people have been creating all kinds of film events. For any movie fans, such events are way more significant […]

Dec 16
Events Management

Event Management in France, Italy and Spain Most of us think that we can do event planning by ourselves. It seems rather easy, right? Good idea comes first and the rest will naturally follow. Finally, how difficult can it be to make some bookings, and find a venue? The true is that every event should […]

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